ThetaHealing® Groeien in je relaties
Deel 4: Jij en de Aarde

You and the Earth teaches you how to communicate with the earth and that the Earth is always communicating with you. It will bring you to the realization that it is an energy that is moving back and forth between us. It helps you to work with the earth to bring changes that actually need to be changed now.

This seminar will be a pre-requisite for DNA 4. 

Cursusduur: 2 aaneengesloten dagen, 9:30 – 17:00
Investering in jezelf: € 499 inclusief werkboek, koffie, thee en versnaperingen. Lunch is niet inbegrepen.
Aanbetaling: € 150,00 niet restitueerbaar.
Vooropleiding: Basis DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper
Data: Zie Agenda


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