ThetaHealing® Rainbow children

This four day seminar is designed to enhance your intuitive abilities, to expand and to train them.

Rainbow children are sensitive and especially intuitively driven children, teens and young adults. A rainbow child is a child that was born with an endless wisdom and the capacity to change the world around her or him. Rainbow children are very loving and know how to adapt easily. They have memories of other times and places and they also remember their talents and capacities. They are abundant with unconditional love, patience and adaptability. They are also very open to all the frequencies and waves of information coming from the world around them. They experience their thoughts as “powers”. That´s why it is often hard for them to focus and they exhibit either loud or rather introverted behaviour. 

Often rainbow children are misunderstood by their environment, which doesn’t do justice to their abilities because they can no longer properly express them.  Luckily we can see these children for who & what they are and help them to reach their full potential.

It is possible to learn to deal with the personal qualities, talents, gifts in order to live a balanced life. This seminar is available for the following age groups:

  •  7-11 years old
  • 12-15 years old
  • 16-22 years old (young adults)
  • Adults

This seminar is especially well suited for parents, grandparents, educators and people working in social services. 

Participants of the seminar will learn how to:

  • do intuitive/ empathetic readings of objects
  • see and to change aura´s
  • Exercise the psychic abilities
  • Practise with plants, crystals and crystal layouts
  • communicate with your higher Self
  • connect to your totem and power animals
  • Move objects with your mind
  • Remember your future
  • Get to know the universal laws
  • Get in touch with your guardian angels

Participants of this seminar will learn ThetaHealing® techniques such as belief work, how to create positive feelings, how to heal the body and the soul, how to distinguish between your own feelings and feelings of others and guided meditation.

Allow yourself the chance to become your true self! Become a co-creator with a passion for life and all it has to offer.

Duration:4 consecutive days (for adults)
Investment in yourself€ 899 inclusive manual, coffee, tea and snacks. Lunch is not included.
Deposit€ 300 non refundable.
Prerequisites:Basis DNA, Advanced DNA & Dig Deeper (for adults)
Dates:see Agenda

Do you want to study multiple Theta Healing courses consecutively? If so, contact me to discuss the benefits of signing up for more than one course at the same time and profit from my loyalty program.