ThetaHealing® Manifestation and Abundance

“Manifestation and Abundance” is the ThetaHealing® seminar where we focus on discovering, recognizing and transforming limiting beliefs that relate to creating abundance in your life. Abundance is your birthright. What we think and say is directly effecting our manifestations in the world and whether or not we manifest in our advantage. During this seminar you will learn how to purposefully manifest. Therefore it is needed for you to decide what you want to see in your life!
You will start working with a list of beliefs of which you probably expected not to have any in your own system. Beliefs that are holding us back from creating our desired life are often inherited from our ancestors or brought back from our former lifes. It is only normal that we are not aware of them at first.

We are all equiped with common sense and our own free will that we can put to use for our highest and best.

During this seminar you will learn about divine timing and how to remember your future. The seminar is not supposed to get you to become rich fast, but rather it is handing you the tools to discover your potential to get rich and how to use these tools to open up your potential on all areas of your life. 

Duration:2 consecutive days
Investment in yourself€ 499 inclusive manual, coffee, tea and snacks. Lunch is not included.
Deposit€ 150 non refundable.
Prerequisites:Basis DNA, Advanced DNA & Dig Deeper
Dates:see Agenda

Do you want to study multiple Theta Healing courses consecutively? If so, contact me to discuss the benefits of signing up for more than one course at the same time and profit from my loyalty program.