ThetaHealing® Growing your relationships

This is one of the newest seminars that is offered by the thetahealing institute. During the Growing your relationships seminar you will find out why you have gathered the people around you that are in your life. You will also discover what it is that they are mirroring back to you and what you are projecting in return. What story are you telling both verbally and non-verbally. What is the effect of that story on your daily relationships and your more intimate relationships? Are you capable of allowing others to get close to you? What do you need to feel safe when people approach you?

These are just a few of the topics that we will look into, but there are many more. Relationships have so many different ways of serving us in our lives such that we will not get bored for a moment.

Are you ready to have a closer look at the way you relate to others? Are you ready to have a closer look at the way you relate to yourself? Then this will be a wonderfull seminar for you to go on a journey with like minded people. You can always keep developing yourself…also together with others.

This seminar will be a pre-requisite for DNA 4. 

Duration:2 consecutive days
Investment in yourself€ 499 inclusive manual, coffee, tea and snacks. Lunch is not included.
Deposit€ 150,00 non refundable.
Prerequisites:Basis DNA,  Advanced DNA  and Dig Deeper.
Dates:see Agenda

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