Opleidingen Emotional Release EN

Emotional Release / Liberation – release and process traumas

Emotional Release / Liberation is a combination technique with essential oils and ThetaHealing techniques. It is a very effective method for releasing negative or traumatic memories that are stored on a cellular level.

Because of their scent and their unique molecular structure, essential oils can easily penetrate the skin, blood and tissues and reach organs in a matter of minutes. They directly stimulate the amygdala (the emotional center) in the brain. Amygdala plays an important role in storing, controlling and releasing all emotional memories and traumas. The only way to stimulate this gland is with scent. Then impulses are applied to other parts of the limbic system of the brain and the hypothalamus.

The sense of smell (odor) is the only one of the five physical senses that is directly linked to the limbic lobe of the brain (our emotional control center). Anxiety, depression, anger, joy and all physical are from this region.
A certain scent can evoke memories and emotions before we become aware of it ourselves.

We know that anxiety, autism, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and phobias are related to abnormal functioning of the amygdala.

It is known that essential oils can immediately increase your vibration frequency by breathing them in! Why is the frequency so important?
Frequency is an indicator of the vibration and energy of you, food, disease, etc. For comparison: the vibration frequency of the human brain is 71-90 MHz and our healthy body is 62-78 MHz. The disease starts when the vibration frequency falls to 58 MHz.
Essential oils have a frequency range of vibrations from 52-360 MHz.

In this course you learn to use and apply 15 essential oils from Young Living to gently lift up hidden emotions, traumas and to allow them to be released from our physical body and subtle etheric bodies. Moreover, you will not only learn to give a session, but you will also receive a session of Emotional liberation. That is, you will feel and experience the powerful but gentle effect of this technique yourself.

The course is available for both Theta Healers and people who deal with other techniques.

Course duration: 1 day
Investment in yourself: € 259.00 including material, workbook, coffee, tea and refreshments. Lunch is not included.
Down payment: € 100.00 non-refundable.
Previous education: none or Basic DNA.
Dates: See Agenda